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Thursday 13 February 2014

Sochi Winter Olympics 2014

The Winter Olympic Games Sochi 2014 today a day that left many mouths open under a sun that continued heating snow in southern Russia , two women won gold in the same event and took the first step of the podium.

Climate . The motto of the Olympic Winter Games in Sochi, " Hot.Cool.Yours " promises unique experiences mixing between heat and cool, but after five days and powers the sun and thermometers near 20 degrees , the organizers could consider a change of slogan.

Downhill Skiing . Slovenia's Tina Maze and Swiss Dominique Gisin shared at the Sochi Games gold medal drop , unprecedented in the history of Olympic ski both women and men . While Macarena Simari Birkner Argentina and Chile's Noelle Barahona drew a positive balance after "surviving " the demanding descent Sochi Olympics .

Health . The nearly 2,800 athletes competing until 23 February at the Olympic Games in Sochi have available 100,000 condoms as part of a campaign against AIDS.



Rights. About 700 people are still waiting to receive their wages for work performed in the construction of the scenarios for the Winter Olympics in Sochi , he assured the defender of human rights organization Human Rights Watch (HRW ) .

Doping . Austria lodged a protest with the International Olympic Committee (IOC ) after your skier Elisabeth Goergl was required to pass a drug test on Tuesday night , the eve of which compete in the women's downhill of the Sochi Games .

Snowboard Halfpipe . The snowboarder Queralt Castellet was on the verge of giving Spain its first medal at the Olympic Games in Sochi.

Speed ​​Skating . Holland lived another day of success at the Olympic Games in Sochi to add two new medals , including one gold in speed skating. - Champion skating 5,000 meters waiving Sochi 1500

Luge . The International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the leaders of the luge plan to pay tribute to luger Nodar Kumaritashvili the Georgia , who died four years ago at the 2010 Vancouver Games after a serious accident . On the other hand , Germany won a gold in the luge again and dominates the medal in Sochi.

Cross Country Officials Norwegian Olympic team excluded from one of the cross-country evidence to Petter Northug , one of its biggest stars .

Nordic Combined . The German Eric Frenzel won the gold medal in Nordic combined average at the Olympic Games in Sochi .

Hockey . The men's ice hockey , one of the sports star of the Olympic Winter Games in Sochi 2014 started with wins in Sweden and Switzerland. While Canada beat the U.S. women's hockey prestigious duel.

You can watch the sochi olympics here: Link 1 , Link 2 [Live Scores]


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